New feature in Moodyo: One click to share lists, items and status in Facebook and Twitter

Hello friends. We’ve added 2 buttons to our site: one has a white little bird over a blue background; the other features only a white “F” over a navy blue background. Of course, Twitter and Facebook are now really integrated in Moodyo.

What are those buttons useful to?

1) You can share an item you’ve just added with your friends and/or followers, in Facebook and/or Twitter, at the same time, with just one click. This also applies to gift lists or status.

2) You can customize the messages to fulfil your needs. We will include everything else: the link to your item, list, status, etcetera.

3) When someone shares one of your public lists you’ll get extra points to be listed in the Top of the Trending Lists.

4) If you are a Trend Setter (or even a shop…), you can promote your public lists with items using Facebook and Twitter. The more people “Sharing” and “Retweeting” your posts, the higher the position your lists will appear.

Hope you find those buttons useful. We’re working on more features that will be available so soon. Stay tuned.

Thank you 🙂

Some things you can do with your favorite gift

Some things you can do with your favorite gift lists…

If you’re browsing the items of a public gift list and you like its content you may want to “Hype” it or perform these other actions:
1) Hype > You’ll be voting this list and giving some points to its creator. That will help him/her to access the “Trending Lists” Top.
2) Copy > Click here if you’d like to have a customizable copy of the list. You’ll have the chance to invite other people and change its original settings.
3) Follow > If you click on “follow”, this list will be listed in your favorite lists.