Pasa un verano programando para Moodyo y Twissues

En Moodyo Enterprises nos gusta compartir lo que estamos aprendiendo. ¿Qué le vamos a hacer? Somos así de generosos 😉

Por eso hemos decidido que vengas con nosotros a pasar unos meses este verano.

Si eres estudiante de ingeniería y consideras que proyectos como Moodyo y Twissues (y alguno más que no podemos contar…) pueden ser interesantes, vas por buen camino. Y, salvo que nos cuentes una solución extraordinaria, es indispensable que estés en Sevilla para esta primera fase.

Necesitamos que tengas conocimientos de:

1) Inglés. Importantísimo y no nos vale eso de “nivel medio hablado o escrito”. ¡Te arriesgas a una entrevista en inglés! 😀 …, No, en serio, necesitamos que hables inglés porque nuestros partners están repartidos por todo el mundo.

2) Java (Imprescindible). Interesante si controlas algo de Spring e Hibernate…y si no, que quieras aprender a paso rápido.

3) Bases de datos SQL.

4) jQuery, HTML5 y CSS3.

5) Apache y Linux.

6) Tecnologías de programación de smartphones (Android, iOS y frameworks multiplataforma como Phonegap, Titanium…).

Es perfectamente probable -e incluso lógico…- que no conozcas o domines algunas de las tecnologías anteriormente comentadas. Java sin embargo, sí es uno de los requisitos indispensables.

¿Qué damos a cambio? Pues nuestra oferta se basa en algunos tangibles y en otros intangibles. Te los contamos todos y tú decides 😉

Los tangibles:
1) Remuneración y contrato durante el verano. Pero si decides coger la oferta por el factor “dinero”, lo más probable es que no seamos lo que estás buscando… Ni tú seas lo que nosotros buscamos.

2) Añadir al currículum el haber trabajado en una startup con proyección internacional y dejar abierta la puerta a entrar en el equipo de forma estable.

Los intangibles:
1) Somos un equipo joven multidisciplinar con años de experiencia y éxitos en distintos ámbitos de la programación, el diseño, las startups tecnológicas y la comunicación.

2) Risas. Nos reímos mucho. Es más, si no tienes sentido del humor o eres introvertido, tampoco cuadrarías en esta oferta.

3) Participación en una empresa con una estructura horizontal donde se comparten muchas ideas. Estamos en una oficina muy iluminada de 60m2, tampoco hay sitio para despachos cerrados…

Si te interesa, envía un CV a Intenta huir de los formatos tradicionales y cuéntanos también algo de tus inquietudes e ilusiones.

Think about the product and when you’re done…think about the product

Are you planning to launch an awesome new product? Congratulations! I’d just like to share with you some ideas:

1) Think about your product. Right? Sure? Ok…

2) Business Plan? No! Think about your product. I didn’t want to bother you in the first point but it was too soon to have your product ready for the market!

3) Investment? You haven’t learnt anything yet. Yeah… the product is still waiting. Is not complete. Think about it again and again…

4) “Ok. I’m done with this. My product is really ready for the market and it’s potentially amazing for customers out there”.

5) If the fourth point is complete, then you have to show the product to your peers. Friends, family… and enemies, of course! Try to surround yourself with smart and experienced people. When someone finds a weak point, you should take note. If that happens twice in the same point: you have to review your product.

6) Get the feedback and put it all together. Review every comment with your team. Take your time to discuss about the solutions and repeat point 5 until you feel you’re really done with the “testing” stage.

7) Keep working on the product, even when you’re sure you’ve reached the desired functionality, look&feel, usability… Everything can be improved. But if you’re REALLY sure that you have a potentially ground-breaking product, it’s time to begin with the famous “Business Plan”.

8) Yes. You need a business plan but don’t get yourself to a wrong place. In the past, business plans were like a flying path you wouldn’t leave if you didn’t want to fail (crash). In the real world, a business plan will help you to analyze the market, to have a better knowledge about competitors and you’ll have some spredsheets that will let you -and your team- know how much it would cost to try to make your dream come true… But It won’t be a document to predict the future 😉

9) Good product, good business plan… it seems everything’s ok to go to point 10.

10) Investors. In my opinion, you shouldn’t go looking for a huge amount of money. It’s better to look for an experienced business angel and/or an incubator and share a little part of your company (5-10{a31a598c08b97e04c471714f0e9a9135ffea9d13036728f66bee3f63eed82732}) with them and, after that, start the funding process with some advice from them. Investors and lawyers are used to a language that sometimes sounds weird and I’m pretty sure that you don’t want to end up like Eduardo Savarin in “The Social Network”.

If you’ve arrived to the tenth point, and you’re in the right time and in the right place -sometimes your ideas will come sooner or later than customer’s needs- you have a chance to success.

Alex Guerra’s Tumblr: Moodyo: Behind the code

Alex Guerra’s Tumblr: Moodyo: Behind the code

Some things you can do with your favorite gift

Some things you can do with your favorite gift lists…

If you’re browsing the items of a public gift list and you like its content you may want to “Hype” it or perform these other actions:
1) Hype > You’ll be voting this list and giving some points to its creator. That will help him/her to access the “Trending Lists” Top.
2) Copy > Click here if you’d like to have a customizable copy of the list. You’ll have the chance to invite other people and change its original settings.
3) Follow > If you click on “follow”, this list will be listed in your favorite lists.

I REALLY love this button!

The “Add to Moodyo” bookmarklet is a button designed to add items to your lists while your’re browsing your favorite sites. You’ll find it in the right column of your personal home page in Moodyo. Just drag and drop it to your browser’s toolbar and click on it every time you see something that you’d like to share with your contacts in Moodyo.

My partner Álex Guerra (@xelagc) coded this in a few hours. He’s so great!

Is Google+ designed to be the 3-in-1 network?

I’ve been tuning my Google+ account to fulfil my needs. And I’ve seen that my circles are not balanced. Most of my contacts are wrapped in the “Acquaintances” circle.

So I’ve come to my first conclusion: In this first stage I’m using Google+ as a Linkedin-like network but without CVs and all that stuff.

What if I would have filled my “Following” circle? Would that be a sign that I’m using Google+ with a Twitter-like philosophy? Maybe.

And What if I…? Yes! I would be using Google+ like I already use Facebook. Nice!

In my opinion Google has tried to build a 3-in-1 social network. You can browse and share what you like, with the group of people you like just toggling to your preferred “Stream” (the Wall) by clicking in the left column filter. Amazing, right? Maybe.

There’s a little problem with that approach. Despite of the fact that our Facebook account works in most of the social sites we visit every day (ok, not in Twitter), giving us the chance to toggle between networks with a pair of clicks, do we want to have our boss, our father, our favorite singer, our wife and our friends in the same network, even in different “streams”?

Because they’re separate… but they’re together at the same time. You can decide not to click on the “Partners at work” circle -that includes your boss’ account, of course- in the weekend. But the true fact is that you have the chance to do it. And it’s not funny mixing the funny story of your friend at the beach with the annoying story of your partner that hates your boss. Both stories are just one click away from each other. In other words, Google+ can turn into one of those flats with very thin walls that gives you the “chance” to hear the reason why your neighbour is angry with his girlfriend…

Let’s see what happens in the next weeks. And yes, this is my first post and I was supposed to write about because I’m the “CEO” (something that sounds “bigger” of what really means at this point). Well, feel free to visit our new network. There’s one thing for sure: in our social site you won’t have to drag&drop your boss to any circle. Just reject his friendship request and enjoy building your gift lists.